Seoul National University

Dr. Jung Eek Son is a professor emeritus and a senior researcher at Seoul National University, Republic of Korea. His academic major includes greenhouse horticulture, vertical farming, and smart farming. His scientific research includes nutrient management in recycled soilless culture, canopy photosynthesis modelling, supplemental inter-lighting in greenhouse, improvement of yield and bioactive compounds in vertical farm, effect of spectrum conversion film in greenhouse, AI application, and 3D plant modeling in greenhouse and vertical farm. He has published about 180 papers in peer reviewed journals. He is a co-chair of Asian Society for Greenhouse Horticulture and Plant Factory (AGHPF) and served as presidents of Korean Society of Horticultural Science, Korean Society for Bio-environmental Control, Korean Society for Vertical Farm Research & Industry, and a chair of Automation & Integrated Production System in Horticulture WG (ISHS). He was a convener of GreenSys2013 (Jeju, Korea) and is a co-convener of LightSym2024 (Seoul, Korea).